Friday, October 17, 2008

A Racist Piece of Mail

The below racist mailer was actually sent to the membership of a Republican women's club in San Bernardino County, California and was intended as an attempt at humor, according to the club's president. Their attempt at humor failed miserably. The organization responsible is Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated, their president is Diane Fedele.

Their local website is/was: ; contact email:

Their website was down or not active as of the time of this post. I have not attempted to send them an email.

The umbrella organization that is over the local organization responsible is the California Federation of Republican Women - Southern Division - website: ; it was working as of the time of this post. There is a "contact us" tab on the left side. Maybe the umbrella organization should hold those responsible accountable and kick them out of their organization.

The president of the club, Diane Fedele, said, "If I was racist, I would have looked at it through racist eyes," she said. "I am not racist, which is why it probably didn't register." How many racists do you know of that think and acknowledge that they are, in fact, racist? This is just a reminder that as far as we have come as a nation, we still have further to go.,0,2209911.story

Side Note: As if we need any more evidence of some people's ignorance and racism look at these if you have the stomach for it. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good people with good, informed, intelligent and articulate reasons to vote for McCain rather than Obama. Most of these people aren't:

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