The AZ governor says that their new illegal immigration law won't lead to racial profiling.
Who are they going to stop and ask for their papers? Blonde and blue eyed people? People that look like illegal Canadian immigrants? I can hear it now, "What's this all aboot?!?" "I'm not your buddy, guy!" "I'm not your guy, friend!" "I'm not your friend, buddy!" If there's two things I hate it's intolerance and Canadians.
Of course I'm kidding.
But, all kidding aside, because this is serious, AZ's new law may can lead down a serious, perilous, slippery slope of intolerances. For example...
They're just going to ask Hispanics for their papers. Maybe the armed police will just go door to door to all the residences that have Hispanic surnames listed as renters/owners. Then, after they've asked for their papers, to make it easier next time, they'll have all Hispanics wear the picture of a taco or Our Lady of Guadalupe on their clothes to identify them as legal.
And then, AZ can just have all the "legal" Hispanics live in the same neighborhood, like a suburb, or apartment complexes or maybe ghettos.
Or better yet AZ can just have all Hispanics wear a bracelet with a number on it. Odd number = legal. Even number = illegal. Just for the ease of the law enforcement officers.
Or even better yet, since they (the Hispanics) could maybe somehow rid themselves of the bracelets, maybe AZ will just pass a law that Hispanics have to get a tattoo on their wrist with the above referenced odd or even numbered designations indicating who is in fact here in the USA legally and who is not.
And keep in mind some Hispanic families have lived in the region since before it was a state.
And those with the even numbers (the "illegals"), when found, can just be put on buses or even better, trains, and shipped off to who knows where.
Way to go AZ.
I'm not going to lie, when I heard that this law was passed it was a punch to my gut. But, it's also a gut-check.
The AZ law is, in my humble opinion, violative of not only the 14th Amendment but also the 4th Amendment of our Constitution for a number of reasons (reasons I will not go into right now but, trust me, it's unconstitutional). Hopefully, it will be struck down as such in short order.
Fundamentally though, it smacks of intolerance and ease. Not all Hispanics are illegal but, AZ would, simply and in an intolerant gesture, subject all Hispanics to the potential indignity of being asked, "for their papers," regardless of whether a person was born here in the USA or not. We are, last I checked, a nation made up of immigrants (unless you're a Native American). Of course, at times, this great nation has treated immigrants with reckless intolerance. This is just another example. Ask Italian or German or Japanese or Irish immigrants or their progeny about the indignities they faced in the last century or so. There are African "immigrants" but, I don't include them in the previous list because their experience, with few exceptions and in large measure, and for obvious reasons, is unique.
But, as usual, I digress.
Again, I'll not be visiting AZ anytime soon if I can help it.
And of course, SNL, in the second "story" below incapsulates how asinine AZ's law is:
And as usual I welcome your comment.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." To evil, "I fart in your general direction." Check out our podcast Jav & Charles Talk Comics at Email:
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Remember I Said November 2010 Is a Ways Away?
After health insurance reform passed the GOP'ers declared that they would use its passage as a rallying point to flip one if not both chambers of Congress during the midterm elections this year in November. And I recall pointing out that there was a heck of a lot of time left until the midterms and finance reform was next on the list.
And now the GOP is "digging in" to oppose finance reform. Really? Do they think opposing finance reform is a good idea, especially in light of all the terrible press coming out as a result of the Goldman Sachs investigation? Or do they just understand who butters their toast? And don't get me wrong, the table was at least partially set for the whole financial mess when Bill Clinton signed the law repealing Glass-Steagall. Reinstating Glass-Steagall should be number one on the list of reforms considered.
But, as usual I digress.
Either way, (whether the GOP really thinks the financial status quo is OK or they owe their benefactors on Wall Street) you have to admire the GOP for sticking to their guns as the party of no. Even if it means alienating voters before the midterm elections.
And now the GOP is "digging in" to oppose finance reform. Really? Do they think opposing finance reform is a good idea, especially in light of all the terrible press coming out as a result of the Goldman Sachs investigation? Or do they just understand who butters their toast? And don't get me wrong, the table was at least partially set for the whole financial mess when Bill Clinton signed the law repealing Glass-Steagall. Reinstating Glass-Steagall should be number one on the list of reforms considered.
But, as usual I digress.
Either way, (whether the GOP really thinks the financial status quo is OK or they owe their benefactors on Wall Street) you have to admire the GOP for sticking to their guns as the party of no. Even if it means alienating voters before the midterm elections.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Check This Out
Great, interesting post on another blog posits, "Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black" and the president was white. The piece is by Tim Wise.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Was Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) In the Movie "Hannibal"
Judge for yourself:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) - above
Was that really Gary Oldman playing the above character in "Hannibal" or was it McConnell?
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) - above
Was that really Gary Oldman playing the above character in "Hannibal" or was it McConnell?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Poor (In Every Sense of the Word) Iceland

First, Iceland's economy collapses sending shock waves around the world, now this volcano there blows it's top. To say that things have not been going well for Iceland recently would be like saying Sandra Bullock's marriage has been just a little shaky recently.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Weird Children's Show Stuff From Years Past, #5
Looney Tunes, of course, has to be included. Here's Bugs Bunny introducing kids to a great piece of music, while at the same time you have the extreme violence (remember again, Elmer Fudd is trying to KILL Bugs Bunny) and cross dressing:
Friday, April 9, 2010
Weird Children's Show Stuff From Years Past, #4
Tom and Jerry. Itchy and Scratchy have nothing on them except Itchy and Scratchy cartoons show what the actual outcome of the violence would be. Violence galore. Some drunnkeness. Oh, and throw in some racist stereotyping just for good measure:
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Weird Children's Show Stuff From Years Past, #3
Oscar the Grouch is a weird character to begin with. See Dave Chappelle's stand up from Killing Them Softly. But why is he telling kids how great trash is? And did he sing, "rusty trombone?"
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Weird Children's Show Stuff From Years Past, #2
More from the Muppet Show, here's a drum battle between Animal and Buddy Rich (like any kid would know who the heck Buddy Rich was). And the lesson? If you lose your drum battle, resort to violence:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Weird Children's Show Stuff From Years Past, #1
Remember the Muppet Show? I know I sure do. And I used to enjoy the musical numbers, I really liked the ones with just the Muppets. Here's one that I always remembered. Probably because it was so freakin' dark, especially for a young kiddo. What they heck were they showing us?!?! Were they trying to scare the crap out of us?:
(it's a cover of Buffalo Springfield's song For What It's Worth)
(it's a cover of Buffalo Springfield's song For What It's Worth)
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