Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm Rubber, You're Glue Whatever You Say...

Update: RNC to Reconsider Calling Dems Names

Extraordinarily, the RNC has exercised a rarely used rule in its own bylaws to force an RNC meeting, and thus compel RNC chairperson Steele's attendance, to reconsider, among other things, a resolution to call the Dems the "Democrat Socialist Party".

The RNC had voted down such a resolution last month-see PTN post from last month for more. At this forced RNC meeting the RNC leadership will not consider a no confidence vote in Steele since the RNC has already further emasculated the RNC chair by reportedly gaining greater control over how Steele spends RNC money.

Steele had already voiced his opposition to the resolution to essentially resort to the juvenile tactic of calling the Democrats names, in this case calling the Dems "socialists". Remember the GOP's old favorite was to call Dems "liberals" but, that didn't work that well last election cycle.

Upon hearing of the proposed (and officially sanctioned) name calling of the Democratic Party by the RNC I recalled the quote by John Stuart Mill: "Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." In this instance, I think the above quote is an insult to stupid people, at least in reference to the conservative members of the RNC that are calling for this special meeting.

Maybe next the RNC will call for another special meeting and vote to toilet paper the Democratic National Committee's HQ.

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